wiki:Collector modules

Version 1 (modified by Genuise, 9 years ago) ( diff )


To the discussion in the

We discussed list of modules affected.

Collector side:

  • collector/bin/collector.js method nextTick
    process.nextTick(function ()
    var     exchangeApi = require('../../server/lib/depthAPI')
    exchangeApi.init(config.tickersToFetch, config.streamAPIModes, config.enabledCurrencies)
  • server/lib/config.js constants enabledCurrencies, streamAPIModes the latter intended to be used in exchangeAPIObj.init method to select specific version of internal adapter implementation (REST or Websocket real time synchronized)
    exports.enabledCurrencies = ['USD', 'EUR', 'CNY',
    exports.streamAPIModes = {..., coinbaseUSD: 'coinbase1'}
  • server/lib/depthAPI.js

each exchange represented by instance of exchangeAPIObj, collector requests each order book using method getCurrentBook2 while published events is global event emitter instance to pass trades events.

... = new (require('events').EventEmitter)() //trade events, orderbook events

var exchangeAPIObjs = {}


exports.getCurrentBook2 = function(ticker)
        return exchangeAPIObjs[ticker].currentHashBook

method init takes list of exchanges specific for current server to instantiate and initialize exchange objects which is returned as hash(key=ticker,value=exObj) and stored in exchangeAPIObjs in the module scope.

exports.init = function (tickersToFetch, streamApiModes, currencies)
        exchangeAPIObjs = arr.mapToHash(tickersToFetch, function(ticker)
                var exObj = apiParams[ticker].exAPIObj ? new apiParams[ticker].exAPIObj() : new api.exAPIDefault()

                exObj.init(ticker, apiParams,, streamApiModes)
                return exObj

apiParams is initialize from execution of the method makeApiParams


var apiParams = makeApiParams()
exports.apiParams = apiParams

where definition of the method makeApiParams is as following

function makeApiParams()
        return {
,       mtgoxUSD: makeMtgox('USD')
,       btceUSD: {
                url: '',
                cur : 'USD',
                parse :  fixPriceKeysEx(
                        function (x){ return x['btc_usd']},
                        'bids', 'asks',
                exAPIObj: api.btcePollingTrades,
                trades_url: '',
                trades_key: 'btc_usd',
                polling_freq: 3600 / 30,
                pollingAliveTimeout: 5 * 60 * 1000,
    DoRejectUnauthorized : true

where coinbaseUSD is defined as


, coinbaseUSD: {
        cur: 'USD',
        exAPIObj: api.exAPICoinbase

where api.exAPICoinbase is included from

, api = require('./exchange-api/apiClasses')
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